Post by %Post by Just BobPost by %Did you libel Wills?
the fat fuck felon will never expunge his record now, so *just bob* on
him, fruitcake
I am sure you want to have sex with me. But I'm all about the pussy.
you *are* a pussy
Post by Just BobPost by %,+felon&hl=en&filter=0&biw=1360&bih=625&dpr=1
But it was proved Wills isn't the guy you claim.
you expect the fat fuck felon to admit it ROFL keep
on drinking the koOkaid
Marston, the person who brought the claim to Usenet, has openly
admitted it's not me. He only presented it so that I would join a cult
to get him to stop.
Post by %Post by Just BobHe must have really kicked your ass for you to keep saying he is someone
he is not.
he's never kicked an ass in his life, your nose is up his 24/7 though
You are unable to resist PROVING I consistently kick your ass.
The post to which I am replying is simply more PROOF of this.
Post by %Post by Just BobPost by %Glenn Shadix or KWills? <--- Glenn Shadix
Kwills photo - from his Twitter page before he
yanked it down and replaced it with a phony <--- KWills
You've been caught putting Wills' face over yours in your pictures. I've
been to his Twitter page.
that pic is *from* his twitter page, he swapped it with a fake
after i posted the real one, fuckwit,
If that were true, you would have presented the VALID, CREDIBLE,
VERIFIABLE evidence. I've asked it of you MANY times. As of my writing
this, you've only offered avoidance, or ran away from the request.
But keep PROVING how my kicking your ass has you unable to resist
offering me more opportunities to kick your ass.
Post by %and he does indeed
resemble glen shadix in real life LOL
Whereas Shadix died over a decade ago, you only manage to further
PROVE I consistently kick your ass. I'm fine with it. It will be
interesting to see what you do to try, and fail, to regain some pride
after this latest ass kicking you got.
Post by %now continue to *just bob* on the obese criminal
Bob has shown NO interest in you.
I do appreciate your openly admitting, again, to being an obese
criminal. Though your openly admitting to being a convicted child
molester, and a registered sex offended, was more than enough.
Strategic Writer, Psychotronic World Dominator and FEMA camp
All hail the taco!